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The Rebels beat Madison 63-59!!!

We're afraid to look at the 1976 yearbook.

Southwestern has a rich history when it comes to sports.  As an example, the Rebel basketball team won back-to-back Sectional titles in 1973 & 1974.  Steve Collier was named Co Mr. Basketball (along with Roy Taylor of Anderson).

Were you at the game where Steve made 55 points?  Yes!

Did you know Steve and his dad-John are both in the Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame?

Did you know Steve went on to have a successful basketball career at the University of Cincinnati, as well as worked in the Norwood School system?

Did you know that Steve Collier was Co Mr. Basketball and there was another player named Larry Bird on that team?  Yes, for you Larry Bird fans, Steve was that good.

 Do you have a memory of Steve you'd like to share?

When you're really, really good, you can have your cake and eat it too!

DID YOU KNOW: Southwestern's Steve Collier went on to play at the University of Cincinnati for the Bearcats. He averaged 13.8 points as a Freshmen in the 1974-75 school year. He was voted one of the top 50 University of Cincinnati players of all-time.

(Mike Adams-Cardinals, Daryl & Donnie Adams-Mets)  

Little League baseball was a very popular sport among the younger crowd in the Hanover area.  Bantam League, Little League and Pony League all fielded teams to support the local interest.  Many businesses sponsored teams that played during the summer season.  In 1974, the Mets beat the Cardinals to clinch the Little League Championship title.

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