Welcome Rebels Alumni & Friends!!!

This site contains photos, videos, movies and other materials for Alumni & Friends of the Southwestern Rebels of Hanover, Indiana-USA.  Try the links below:

Check back often as we are constantly updating the site with new materials.  You can submit materials for consideration to be added to the site via

SPREAD THE WORD and invite other Rebels Alumni to join us here.

Please consider that you are viewing materials from the early 1900s to present day.  Cultural values change over time.  Some content from previous years may be considered negative or offensive.  These materials do not reflect the values or opinions of current-day school or site administration.  Please consider that before judging those in the past on today's standards.

Some materials have been edited or altered from their original form.  In other cases, we made our best attempt to restore damaged or missing information.  For a historical perspective, you may want to look at actual hard-copy materials as available.

Input is always welcome and please let us know what you think.  We hope you enjoy this site.  The ball is in your court. 

Please note we are no longer on Facebook.  In late 2022 we were blocked from logging into Facebook to access the Alumni Page there, as well as our personal accounts.  Facebook informed us we could no longer share posts from this BLOG to their site, nor access any part of that application.

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